Why is Breaking Bad the best series ever created? Learn the NINE excellent reasons that prove this doubt
- Real scenarios / locations, from the desert and Walter White’s home to Los Polos Hermanos and the Car Wash, we have existing locations in real life. That you can even visit through tourist agencies.
2. History without holes, unlike many series that are produced before having its complete concept, ie (beginning, middle and end) already defined Breaking Bad is the opposite, on top of its foundation it had a perfectly justified development and outcome.
3. Constant relativization, showing characters with completely opposite attitudes to one another and at the same time giving an opposite impression to those caused by their attitudes. Walter is smart but criminal and “cold” at times, Jessie is “rascal and aggressive” but acts in a highly sensitive way and devoid of any planning or even courage. Just like the sister of Walt’s wife who is the wife of a police officer but commits thefts and other completely hypocritical attitudes given her condition and point of view.
4. Sound design is used to emphasize characteristics and emotions of each plot, not appealing and constant soundtracks to force emotion or deliver the intention of the scene, in Breaking Bad it is precisely the silence and ambient sounds that cause this expectation. Except for rare moments where the included track is very well selected.
5. Death of the characters and the poetic way they happen, can happen at any time but it never happens just to shock, there is always a plot that will extend until the end of the series around each death.
6. Nostalgia, especially when watching the second time, giving due attention to the plot, you get so involved with the characters that you can’t help feeling the nostalgia of the end of the series for days or even weeks. Final that arrived subtly and devastatingly at the same time, having ended with 5 seasons which is surprising considering that the story is so autonomous that it really asks to end, and the creator wisely meets this need. (The opposite of The Walking Dead or Supernatural, for example).
7. Dialogues, each character has a personality so he must speak in a unique way and with his own grammatical “addictions”, like Jessie who repeats “biatch” throughout the series hundreds of times. And the intelligent and philosophical dialogues full of references to books and other works of pop culture are not far behind great classics, being able to guide us even in existential crises, this series adds to our character.
8. All analogies that connect everyday dilemmas to chemical terms or reactions.
9. If I didn’t know that it was created by Vince Gilligan, I would say that it was created by Stanley Kubrick, at least in relation to photography, editing and MAINLY the use of natural ambient sounds.
There, for these and other Breaking Bad is the best series ever made, who did not watch with due care and open mind do this and thank me later. Hug!