Homeland Serie TV

Andries Viljoen
5 min readSep 17, 2020


We can say that Nicholas “Marine One” Brody was one of the best-built characters in history — alongside Carrie Mathison, Saul Berenson and Peter Quinn (and Max, Astrid, Fara, Virgil, Maggie).

It would be possible to clarify the following doubts:

  • I would like to see Homeland reveal how the CIA explained Brody in Iran and his death to the American press. Clearly, Javadi being able to take credit for capturing Brody helped his cause in Iran, but did the US government reveal Brody’s role in Akbari’s murder? Was his name cleared for the CIA attack? I’d love to know what you thought.

I’m the wrong person to ask, these types of details don’t really occupy space in my head. To paraphrase Don Draper, I don’t think about this at all. According to the US government, Brody was in Iran because he was a terrorist seeking asylum for the 12/12 bombing, and he was killed because he killed Akbari.

Why would the US government need to reveal Brody’s role in Akbari’s murder? Everyone knew that Brody killed him from the start.

I’m positive Carrie spilled the whole story in her book.

Another loose thread: Paul Franklin and the murder of the “real” CIA bomber. You just did that … why ??

Carrie was publicly humiliated, beaten, doped, shot and put her life on the line countless times without hesitation, just to make others see Brody as she saw him … and succeeded. Abu Nazir, the CIA, Jessica and the show’s own audience, no one came close to seeing Brody with the clarity Carrie has always seen. Carrie has always read Brody like no one else.

Carrie and Brody Homeland season 2 episode 12

Ah, Carrie’s dialogue with Javadi was awesome, it will be one of the most memorable moments of the series, without a doubt: “And what you wanted, which was for everyone to see in him what you see. That has happened. Everyone sees him through your eyes now …”

It would be possible to clarify the following doubts:

How did Carrie see Brody? and how did the US come to see it? It’s the world?

Javadi’s line is ironic. No one saw Brody the way Carrie did. He was still killed. He died with the world thinking he was a traitorous terrorist. And he didn’t get a star on the wall.

Ultimately (as in, by the end of the series) I don’t think Carrie had a lot of illusions about who Brody was. I think she needed very badly in season three (and two) to believe he was a good person, someone who could be a hero, because she was carrying his child and the fact that she loved him despite him being a man who put on a suicide vest was too difficult to bear. So she worked very, very hard to make him not that man, but he was always going to be that man.

The truest thing Javadi ever said was, “No one’s just one thing.” That is the show’s thesis statement and major throughline through all eight seasons. We all contain multitudes. We’re complicated. And the world is not black and white.

Saul loved Carrie as his daughter but ended up exiling her. Quinn’s love for Carrie ended up killing him. Brody put on a suicide vest to avenge the death of a child he loved, knowing he’d wreck the lives of his own two children in the process. And Carrie devoted her life to hunting terrorists, ended up falling in love with one, and then let him die to further the cause she believed in.

Where’s Virgil?

Hopefully enjoying retirement somewhere.

How do you think Brody family are doing after his disappearance? (Death now)

I hope they’re doing well but acknowledge he cast a very long shadow so they’re probably not.

A lot of scenes from the Brody family in the second half of season three have been cut, and I’m not complaining. This story was extremely weak.

It lacked to put a strong emphasis on some very specific details of the plot, like the real bomber Langley. (As you said before, those details don’t really matter to the public, unfortunately.) And I really don’t care why that guy did what he did. What matters is that he did it, and Brody did not, and the emotional repercussions of the world believing that Brody did.

We don’t need to see all these scenes (like there being a manhunt for Brody) play out onscreen. We know they happened.

Publicly, in canon, his name was never cleared. Privately, obviously many people knew he framed.

My head canon is that Carrie cleared his name in her book


I am going to assume you’ve seen all 8 seasons of Homeland. If you haven’t I could spoil it for you, also my answers are pure speculation. To answer your first question: No I don’t think it was in the US or Iranian interests for Brody’s role in Akbari’s death to be revealed. That it was vaguely known inside Iran could be true but Tehran is a big city. Under the ayatollahs people disappear and only a few dare ask
How the Number One terror suspects disappearance was explained to America I can imagine was presented as a a disappearance into Iran with no official explanation. No, Brody’s name was not cleared till Carrie wrote her book.
Franklin was Javadi’s lawyer. Javadi was working with Nazir’s guys. None of them wanted Brody cleared, that would trigger further investigation. The killing of the real bomber made that possible. The truth died with him. Saul and Dar are deeply implicated as well.
Carrie saw Brody as the hero of his own life. She saw him as the hero of her life as well. The ticket out of “alone my whole life”. The fact that was impossible just was not acceptable to her. He woke her up emotionally, spiritually. “One of the reasons I was put on this earth was for our paths to cross.”
Brody was an object of distrust and hatred, as traitors are. After Carrie’s account is published I think that a large section of people were appalled by his tragedy. That she wrote the book from her home with a GRU operative, well, some will not believe. The world has always had mixed emotions about America but most will come to believe and admire and mourn the Star!
So that’s what I think. I’m so glad you wanted to talk about Brody! Thank you so much!



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