Air Force Office of Special Investigation and Operation Urgent FuryOn Oct. 20, 1983, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) received notification from higher headquarters of a pending United…Feb 20Feb 20
O que Aprendi em Instinto Selvagem com o Poder da Sharon StoneInstinto Selvagem é um filme de 1993 que ficou famosíssimo pela cruzada de pernas da Sharon Stone. Desde criança tenho na memória essa…Sep 19, 2024Sep 19, 2024
Por que terroristas islâmicos fazem decapitação?Prática bárbara tem base teológica e corânicaMar 21, 2024Mar 21, 2024
Homeland has come to an end; What kind of TV hero will combat the next form of terrorism?A LOT OF STUFF IS HAPPENING IN TODAY’S GEOPOLITICS. MIDDLE EAST TENSIONS, RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR, ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR.Feb 18, 2024Feb 18, 2024
8 Mindblowing Knife Fighting Styles8 DANGEROUSLY EFFECTIVE KNIFE FIGHTING STYLESFeb 11, 2024Feb 11, 2024
Top 15 Deadliest Martial Arts in the WorldMartial arts, developed over centuries, embody lethal techniques honed for combat and self-defense. Initially crafted for survival in…Feb 4, 2024Feb 4, 2024
PSICOPATA: SERÁ QUE CONHEÇO UM?Psicopatas são capazes de fingirem-se de pessoas absolutamente normais e insuspeitas. Podem até parecer um desses príncipes encantados…Aug 29, 2023Aug 29, 2023
Homeland: Why is season three so difficult? A season of lapses.The boom seasonOct 15, 2022Oct 15, 2022
Parallelism: Manchurian Candidate and HomelandAlthough The Manchurian Candidate and Homeland are two different pieces of film, there can be parallels drawn from each. One of the main…Jul 6, 2022Jul 6, 2022